LSS 2053 Cultural Diversity Learning Objective 3
Quotations by Famous People
Cultural Views
Speaker and Date
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The 34thpresident
of the USA Dwight Eisenhower
A people* that values its privileges above
its principles soon loses both.
* means “a race of
It means that every
nation put the privileges in the first place not the principles will lose
Luther King JR
All men are caught in an inescapable
network of mutuality.
It means that are in
the middle of the circle of mutuality.
Sheikh Zayed
Who don`t have a past
will not have a present or future.
Any country that doesn’t value its past,
can’t appreciate its present or future. This country, thanks to God, has a
rich past, does well for now and its expected future.
Mahatma Gandhi
A nation’s culture resides in the hearts
and souls of its people.
It means that the
culture begins with the people in the childhood and grows up and stays in the
heart and the soul.
Amim Maalouf
Traditions deserve to be respected only
insofar as they are respectable – that is, exactly insofar as they themselves
respect the fundamental rights of men and women.
It means that we
should respect traditions if they are respectable. And respect the rights of
all in the community.
ML King Jr.
God is not merely interested
in the freedom of brown men, yellow men, red men and black men .He is
interested in the freedom of the whole human race.
God doesn’t care about skin color. God
cares about freedom for everyone.
Desmond Tutu
My humanity is bound up in yours, for we
can only be human together.
My personality is
based on other people and the environment.
Frank Borman
When you're finally
up on the moon, looking back at the earth, all these differences and
nationalistic traits are pretty well going to blend and you're going to get a
concept that maybe this is really one world and why the hell can't we learn
to live together like decent people.
Looking at the earth from space, one
wonders why we can’t get along decently.
Pablo Casals
The love of one’s country is a splendid
thing, but why should it stop at the border?
It means that
everyone who loves his country is great but why it stays at the border of
that country.
DD. Eisenhower
The world must learn
to work together, or finally it will not work at all.
if people didn’t
cooperate nothing will be done.
Sheikh Zayed
Many countries go to war and then towards
reconciliation. The history of mankind is full of stories of wars between
people and states that have come together after fighting for long. Why can't
Arabs be like them?
It means that people
should have aspirit of forgiveness to
forgive all people and their mistakes.
Martin Luther King, Jr
August 28, 1963
It means that the world will
change in the future and they will forget the racism and they will get
valuation by their behavior and their personalities.
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